Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Is There a Sequel of The Dark Knight 2008?


Because Rumors Said That Michael Caine Confirms that Johnny Depp will be Edward Nygma/The Riddler, Philipp Seymour Hoffman will be Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin and How About Catwoman and Robin will they put it on the Cast?Is There a Sequel of The Dark Knight 2008?
Not yet, Nolan said he's not planned to do one, and that he doesn't lineup films to make. So it depends if he wants to return. Until he makes up his mind we won't know, but if someone else comes to direct it it'll be crap for sure just like Zack Snyder's stupid Watchmen and 300 films which were CRAP!! Or Michael Bay's retarded Transformers.
rumours....Is There a Sequel of The Dark Knight 2008?
Not sure, but I'll be there when it comes out :)
filming is rumored to begin spring 2009, but this is not confirmed. No other information is available at this time, no villains have been announced, nor who would be playing tham, Christopher Nolan hasn't even signed on to direct the third movie yet.

What is confirmes is that the movie will release summer of 2011, and that Cristain Bale is strongly opposed to bringing Robin in.Is There a Sequel of The Dark Knight 2008?
With all the $$$ DK made why wouldn't there be another sequel?

As for Depp joining the cast, how long are these rumors gonna keep floating around?
there will be another movie but let this one make it to dvd before making the next movie and i heard the same rumors all would be good but leave the cat and the bird out of it for now

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